Far Beyond Pain Relief

Go Beyond Treatment And Into Health For Life

Services available in English and French

A late cancellation fee of 50% of the price of the session will be applied if the cancellation happens less than 24h before the appointment time.

Located at the border of Randwick, Maroubra, Coogee, and Rosebery


General Osteopathy session

From young and old, muscle pains and joint complaints can plague anyone. The aim of a general session is to give you an overall “service” of your body systems while improving your overall wellness and laser-target any problem areas in your musculoskeletal system. If you have any nagging complaints like a persistent knee or shoulder issue, this general osteopathy session is perfect for you.

45 mins |  $120 (rebate available) 

TMJ / Voice Osteopathy session

If you grind in your sleep or are a singer, you put a strain on your teeth and the muscles from your entire laryngeal area. This means your mouth, jaw, throat, and neck muscles are affected. Manual therapy can help to release pain in your jaw or resolve symptoms like pitch changes when singing. This session is perfect for those who experience discomfort in the morning after grinding in their sleep, or for singers who want to take care of their voice.

45 mins |  $120 (rebate available)  

Runner practicing after her appointment with her osteopath in Randwick

Sport Osteopathy session

Whether you are a serious athlete or a weekend warrior, manual therapy is perfect for healing or preventing injury. Injury prevention focuses on removing restrictions, balancing your body holistically, supporting the joints and muscles that are put under strain while you run, cycle, or swim. This will improve your performance and ensure that you don’t miss a season. This option is ideal for avid sportspeople and more casual joggers, soccer players, or those who participate in any other physical activities.

45 mins |  $120  (rebate available)

Visceral Osteopathy session

Although not as well-known as muscular therapy, the value of visceral manipulation will have you coming back for more. Visceral manipulation therapy is a vital part of osteopathy that assists in the functioning of your internal organs. This session is ideal for you if you experience constipation or bloating regularly. It can also clear out gut problems in general, or heartburn.

45 mins |  $120  (rebate available)

baby and child playing during an osteopath appointment in maroubra

Infant / Children Osteopathy session

(0-12 yo)

Even young, growing bodies deserve targeted attention. Paediatric osteopathy can improve sleep, decrease colic and wind, and calm your baby or toddler. Although growing bodies can be more flexible than adult ones, they can also experience stiffness and discomfort, without being able to explain why. Watch your little one calm down and experience relief after this gentle session.

45 mins |  $80  (rebate available)

Young man with back pain at home in randwick waiting to see the osteopath near him

“How much time have you lost on a personal project due to pain ?”

— The hidden cost of pain - Randwick

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.