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Who We Are

Osteopath at Shift osteopathy standing in the street in randwick


Head Therapist \ Osteopath, BScOsteo, MHealthSc

The therapist at Shift Osteopathy is Dorian Hardy-Dessources. Dorian has experienced the value of manual therapy personally, which informs his passion to help people of all ages. He also has a wide range of international experience.

Dorian’s childhood was steeped in manual therapy to relieve discomfort. Before he ever had an interest in taking it up as a career, he received manual therapy for his asthma, which sparked his later interest in the human body’s complex systems and how they interact with each other to inform overall health. When he learned about osteopathy as a young man, he knew immediately that he wanted to pursue a career in this type of holistic, whole-body-focused therapy. He started his education in Paris studying at the European Centre of Osteopathic Superior Studies (CEESO) and graduated in 2011. 

Not content to stay in one place, Dorian traveled to broaden his personal and professional experience in therapy. He worked in Toronto for six years. In Toronto, his experience was wide-ranging, and he worked in close quarters with therapists of the skeletal system (chiropractors) and muscular system (physiotherapists). The patients that they treated together came from all walks of life, such as construction workers, motor vehicle accident rehab patients, CEOs, stay-at-home mothers, singers, and professional NHL players.

In 2017, Dorian moved to Sydney, for a new type of challenge. He first worked for Central Sydney Osteopathy (Stanmore). Now, he has opened Shift Osteopathy in Randwick (located at the border of Coogee, Randwick, and Maroubra) and built up his manual therapy practice in Sydney which draws from his many years of experience to perform real changes in his patients’ lives.

Postgraduate Education:

  • DNS Course A - B - C (Prague School of Rehabilitation) / Exercises Course / Paediatrics / Women’s Health 

  • General osteopathic overview of the complex crânio-laryngo-mandibular-lingual and phoniatrics / Introduction to Fasciapraxy

  • General Osteopathic Considerations for Women's Health / Osteopathic care in OB/GYN

  • Practitioner relationship and systemic approach of osteopathy


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